Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Night Video: Voodoo People Remix

I remember the original version of this Prodigy song from the tape switcher battle in Hackers, but at the time, I didn't know what the song was called until much later.

Anyway, a few years after its initial release, a remix with an entirely new video was released, and that is the one I wanted to highlight this week.

The video is an homage to a 2001 Spanish movie Intacto, which features a sequence similar to the one depicted in the video.

It is a weird movie, and the Prodigy sort of fits with the concept.


Arjan said...

great remix and what strange vid.
Any idea what kind of thing it is they throw in front of these people so they die (the little beeds thingie)?

MC said...

I think it was a rosary (the movie is about people being able to steal the luck of others).