Monday, January 04, 2010

Warren Beatty: Man Whore

A new biography of actor/director Warren Beatty by Peter Biskind claims that he slept with nearly 13000 women. My response to that information is as follows:

a) I could likely have lived the rest of my life without knowing that.

b) To reach that figure, I guess you would have to sleep with a different partner every day for decades, so he would have to really work at that.

c) Today, an actor who was being that promiscuous would likely admit they were a sex addict before they hit the high 4 digit range of partners.

d) I wonder what the six degrees of separation number is for Warren Beatty sexually for the entire population of North America. I mean, he has to be connected to more people in 6 degrees via this method than Kevin Bacon is in Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

e) I also wonder if that number includes conquests that were made after he got married to Annette Bening, because if it doesn't, he must have had some rather full days. Seriously, how did he get anything else done.

f) In my entire life, I don't think I've had a meaningful conversation with 12000 different people.

g) Now I want to know what STD's Mr. Beatty had/has, because he likely started many an outbreak in the Hollywood community. I mean, related to e), could one track his potential herpes through some starlets and various other people and end up with his original case being the same one that afflicts Paris Hilton? Hey, it could happen.

h) Seriously, this fact knocked another fact out of my head. Now I can't do CPR.


poppedculture said...

CPR is overrated - how many times do you use that? Meanwhile this fact can be amusing bar fodder for ages.

Lee Sargent said...

I would like to see a graph representing all these women that he slept with before Dick Tracey and then after, I'm expecting a drop off (and a huge nosedive after Bullworth).

MC said...

Jeremy: But I already had that Wilt Chamberlain thing to go to on that one.

Lee: Well, he did sleep with Madonna after Dick Tracey... I wonder if they are using that old saying about how you've slept with the people your partners have... so Beatty's 13000 is mostly counting all of Madonna's male and female partners.