Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Video: Windowlicker

Three little warnings before you watch this if you've never seen it.

1) The section that preceded the song is over 4 minutes long.
2) That section has a lot of swearing... like 2 Samuel L. Jackson performances worth of my favorite cuss-combo, so I wouldn't watch this without headphones if you are at work.
3) It may leave you with images you never ever wanted to see.

Those of you who have seen it before, am I lying about that third thing?


Semaj said...

I liked the MJ dances, but the ghetto acting at the beginning was a bit too long. Thanks for the heads up that.

So, this dancing pimp guy has the power to turn women's faces into troll-like versions of his face? Interesting

BTW, Where did you come across this?

Ray said...

OH MY GOD! A few years ago when I first watched this video it gave me the most horrible nightmares. I just tried watching again but I couldn't. Probably the creepiest music video ever shot. *shudder*

MC said...

Semaj: There is a video show up here called The Wedge that showed it quite a few times (usually minus the first 4 minutes and the credits at the end).

Ray: Well, Chris Cunningham has a talent for making the creepy weird music videos, especially for Aphex Twin.

Arjan said...

I'm not sure if I ever saw the full intro, but I díd see the rest..creepy indeed.
But it kinda fits the strange funky music, doesn't make those troll faces any less terrifying.

Keeno said...

haha this video is pure class!!

the two gangstas at the start are just hilarious and then the darkness comes...

just loves the editing along with the dancing that shits amazing!
and the faces?
holy cow! as if you havent' seen worse a million times.
