Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Stumbleupon Finds: September Edition

From a field of about 400 additions this month, these are the best things I found on Stumbleupon this month.


The artwork of Doug Fraser at Who Killed Bambi
Flip Flip Flyin' Lollipops
Well-Oiled by Matt Dixon


The Cat Drawing from Buttersafe
What Manly Men do for Fun at Big Fat Whale
Sinfest's Word of God
Married to the Sea's Austin's Fish
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal explores painful memories
Friend or Foe from Control Alt Delete
A comic in a Northern European language that still works.
Irkworks' Food Problems
What Fresh Hell Is This presents How Lucifer really got kicked out of Heaven
Some Prepared Remarks about Supervillainy
Pup Stays in Bed
Hockey Zombie - Nothing Says Lovin' like Murder
Dignified from XKCD
The Drug Talk from Thingpart


Tracey Morgan going crazy-go-nuts on morning talk show
Funny Kitten video
Martin Scorsese's Bert and Ernie
Shark Attack gif
The World's Best Tetris Player
Shaun of the Dead's Nick Frost conning a con
The Best Anti-piracy ad ever.
Sexist Sega commercial
A Lion encounters a man it used to know


46 Tax Deductions for Bloggers
An interesting set of graphs about American finance
Fight Club as a Calvin and Hobbes metaphor
Proof Fundamentalists selectively quote the bible
Seems like something Paul Harvey would do.
David Brin takes on Star Wars


Blayde said...

Great comic finds, i love getting hooked on webcomics, specially when they have so much in the archives, my personal faves are Neko, VGCats and Cyanide and Happiness atm.bfperg

MC said...

I am going to put together a list of web comics for my sidebar soon... suffice it to say, it will be very detailed.