Saturday, August 11, 2007

Week 13: Pageant of the Transmundane

This week's winner is no stranger to this award, as they managed to string together three stellar entries during the first year of this award to net themselves a Transmundanity Triple Crown, so it should come as no surprise that they are once again elevated to this lofty position.

Ahem. Drumroll please.

And the winner is: Becca from No Smoking in the Skull Cave discovered a delightful set of Star Wars figures in a book of collectibles. They are hippos. Plastic Hippos. Blue Plastic Hippos. German Blue Plastic Hippos from Kinder. That is a lot of repetition, but in this case, I think it deserved it.

Now, finding a Simpsons/Star Wars picture would be quite easy for this award, but I wanted to challenge myself and find an equally fitting image for this week's winner, and I just happened to remember that at one point, the Simpsons visited Tanzania during a bag boys strike in Springfield and they were chased by a hippo, and thus, another unique Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award Moment.

Congratulations Becca on winning your fourth award in just over a year.

The rules of this little contest: Every week I will be selecting one blog post that I have seen from the vast reaches of the blogosphere to bestow with the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award for being one of the freakiest(in a funny way) things I've seen or read during a 7 day period. It doesn't necessarily have to have been written during the week, I just had to have encountered it. That means that if you find something interesting and repost it like a movie or whatever, if I saw it at your blog first, you get the prize. Of course, creating your own content is also a very good way to win.

Now, if you see a post that you think is worthy of this illustrious prize, just drop me a line at and we'll see if we can't get your suggestion up and award-ready while giving you some credit and a link to your own blog.


The Ferryman said...

Wow...four in a little over a year?

She is The Chosen One.

MC said...

She has done very well indeed.

J.D. said...

I can only imagine Becca's triumphs with an envious charge...

MC said...

Every week you have a shot at the title.

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, you have a very, very interesting blog.

Becca said...

Hooray! I'm transmundane! Those hippos are great...they are the coolest Star Wars toys I've seen in years. Thanks for the ebay link for I must own these and as reasonable as these are priced I know I can!

By the way kudos on the hippo pic, I'm impressed at your picture finding skills!

MC said...

It's what I do ;)