Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Good News on the Greek front

I have good news for the fans of Greek out there, news that I have a hard time believing in this age of quick cancellations and networks not giving shows a chance to develop.

Greek has been doing so well on ABC Family that the network has ordered an additional 10 episodes to run during the early part of 2008.

I do not know what kind of ratings the series is receiving on the main ABC network, but given that it is airing on Friday nights at 9 when perhaps its core audience would be out actually doing the things that appear on the show rather than merely watching them, so I have no idea if these new episodes would also appear on the main network after the initial summer run of the first 10 episodes, which as a Canadian is distressing for me, as that would be the only place I would likely be able to see it.

I am not the ideal demographic for the show, I admit, as I am not a teen, I am not female and and I am not American, but the show still appeals to me. What can I say?

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