Joseph Griffith from PeachStapler is an artist with a flair for the kind of subject matter that interests me very much. The picture above, The Surrender, is a monument to the cultural war between Western Civilization(especially America) and the fundamentalist Islamic world, painted for the 225th anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown. Even without those connotations, it is still a fabulous piece of art from a pop cultural standpoint, and it really resonates with me.
Griffith is someone I am going to keep an eye on... he recently posted a new painting based around the world of Labyrinth.
Man, that is a wonderful picture. I love the half-constructed (but fully operational) Death Star in the picture.
I love it. It looks like a beautiful painting and then you look closer and it's beautiful pop culture! Damn, I've never seen Waldo so angry.
That is actually some profound stuff, and I love the Crucifixion of Jareth.
Semaj: I wonder if its placement has any meaning(as it is on the Islamic side of the painting).
Heidi: I have. You sleep with his mother one time...
Samuraifrog: I thought you would.
Very intriguing work. Just wonderful.
And the artist has told me that there is new work coming in a few weeks, and I will certainly be there to view it.
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