Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am the Ed Wood of Podcasting

Yes, I entered the world of podcasting... rather badly. It is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of podcasts really.

It was done for a few days but quite frankly I was sort of embarrassed by the results... as I should be.

Put it this way, if someone else did this podcast and admitted that they knew it was bad... well, I'd probably give them an award for transmundanity.

The best I can say is I laughed and then I cried. At least the slight southern accent that I shouldn't have was conquered before it made it to air. Unfortunately, when I saved the audio file, well, let's just say I probably should have gone to a higher quality setting than 96kbps.

Listen to my horror.


MC said...

Mr. Fab, you are the king of outsider podcasting.

Anonymous said...

And the award for shortest podcast goes to...

lol.. just kidding! definitely a good first attempt. just remember, things only get better from here on in.

I feel your pain - I recently had to whip together a 60 second review for a podcast i listen to, and it took me about 4 hours of fiddling and tweaking and in the end I still wasn't happy with it.

MC said...

I could have gone shorter than 5 minutes, really....

The whole thing does put those speeches we had to do in grade school into perspective as well.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY! Couldn't agree with you more - that's exactly how I felt doing mine. And yet still, I want to get better at this.

I'm looking forward to your next one - don't give up! My only advice would be (and you may already be doing this) make notes about everything you want to talk about. That way if you find yourself at a loss for things to say, you've got something to get you back on track.

I know it's the only way I survived the one minute I did - five must've been torture!

MC said...

The hard thing is trying not to say um, like, so, i mean, of course and all the other bits of filler I use on a daily basis... well, that and not sound like I've recently suffered a head injury.

Mel said...

LMAO!!! You don't sound like you recently suffered a head injury. Actually, you sound like you're grinning throughout. And HELL to the YEAH about the smoking! (Not that I have an agenda there, being a smoker, or anything...)

MC said...

It's bad when it is becoming so rare that you notice it in an older movie, and how much less smoking there is even in period pieces these days.