Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stuff I Am Working On

Since I haven't been posting regularly, some of you may think I've run out of material. That is not the case.

I am just working on a few things that are taking up a little more time than a normal post and I thought I'd give you all a preview of some of the things I am working on.

-If I wrote... The Matrix Sequels. I have some ideas but I have to watch them again to make sure I am not missing anything.

-Remembering Streets of Fire. This has been on the backburner longer than my recent Remembering Commando piece, but I think now is the right time for it.

-Digital Distribution. I was very much against digital distribution of media and I was quite vocal about that, and I plan on explaining my change of heart.

And maybe, maybe I'll do a retrospective about a TV series like Samuraifrog has been doing with the various Star Trek series.

So it is basically longer stuff which requires a bit more planning.

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