Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 40: Pageant of the Transmundane

The Transmundane Headline of the week: China's Ugly Betty, Not that Ugly.

From someone who has seen America Ferrera in and out of that getup, allow me to just say: Well, Duh!

This week's Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award winner is the blog Krazy Korean.

This week's winning entry is a little silly, but it tickled my fancy. It is simple, yet effective at what it does. And to say what it is would ruin the fun, safe for work surprise.

Just click and enjoy.

And to not reveal the secret of this week's winning entry, I just picked a Homer moment that has stuck with me for years. I've always liked baby Homer with a slice of pizza, even going so far as to use it as a chat avatar for a while.

Congrats Krazy Korean... here is your badge (feel free to share it with your friend if you wish)

The rules of this little contest: Every week I will be selecting one blog post that I have seen from the vast reaches of the blogosphere to bestow with the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award for being one of the freakiest(in a funny way) things I've seen or read during a 7 day period. It doesn't necessarily have to have been written during the week, I just had to have encountered it. That means that if you find something interesting and repost it like a movie or whatever, if I saw it at your blog first, you get the prize. Of course, creating your own content is also a very good way to win.

Now, if you see a post that you think is worthy of this illustrious prize, just drop me a line at and we'll see if we can't get your suggestion up and award-ready while giving you some credit and a link to your own blog.


Arjan said...

so simple but so brilliant.

MC said...

I am glad you agree.