The sheer awesomeness that is Star Wars 1942.

As you know, I don't have roots in the Star Wars fandom community, or in the action figure collecting one either, but wow... I love what they've done here. I mean, conceptually, it is almost pitch perfect, and the fact that both Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford were in World War II movies early in their careers also works with this set too.
I'd also recommend checking out Steampunk Star Wars as well.
Wow, those are excellent figures! Love the punked out versions even better.
I'm afraid to look...
very cool!
As are the punked versions.
Where can I find the rest of the 1942 crew?
I love those steam punk ones!
@ Lee, first thing I thought this morning when seeing MC's post was: 'Hey, Lee would probably love this' haha.
Oh, man, I need that 1942 Han Solo. And the steampunk Threepio and Artoo. And the 1942 Boba Fett. Those are killer.
Karl: The only thing I don't like about the Steam Punk versions is some of the humans don't facially resemble the people in the movie.
Megan: You liked it and you know it!
Arjan: I guess you'll just have to wait for the person who did them to make some more.
Lee: It was the droids, wasn't it.
SF: As I said, I wasn't as keen on the humans in that set, but the steampunk droids are awesome! And Han Solo is such a Bomber pilot... it just fits so well.
Dude! How did you know?
star wars 1942 is ummm...a little bit
talk about a mash-up!
how about My Little Pony dolls with Mongol China battle gear?
RC: Well, Star Wars does take place a long, long time ago in far away place... so it isn't so weird.
Lee: Because the Droids were the figures I liked too.
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