Once again, there were some interesting late entries this week, but in the end, experience won out over novelty, as it were.
Jeremy Barker, the proprietor of Popped Culture, made a startling discovery this week in a field I didn't know had previously existed.
The wonderful mashed-up world of action star athletics. In this case, a sports team comprised of a bunch of people who make a living kicking the asses of bad guys.
Now if I had made the list, well, it might have had a few alternate selections, but that is neither here nor there. It is a great piece of merchandise, and it is truly transmundane.
And because this week's winner has to do with a group of disparate people being put together, well, it seemed fitting to have something similar for the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award this week. Well, I liked it at least.

Congratulations Jeremy... and you know the drill... this is your badge:

And since Jeremy's second Transmundanity win was in Week 47 of last year, and this is his third win within a 52 week period, he is also eligible for the Triple Crown award, presented thusly:

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
The rules of this little contest: Every week I will be selecting one blog post that I have seen from the vast reaches of the blogosphere to bestow with the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award for being one of the freakiest(in a funny way) things I've seen or read during a 7 day period. It doesn't necessarily have to have been written during the week, I just had to have encountered it. That means that if you find something interesting and repost it like a movie or whatever, if I saw it at your blog first, you get the prize. Of course, creating your own content is also a very good way to win.
Now, if you see a post that you think is worthy of this illustrious prize, just drop me a line at campybeaver@gmail.com and we'll see if we can't get your suggestion up and award-ready while giving you some credit and a link to your own blog.
Sweet! I've been dying to get my hands on those triple crowns - needed something to replace the long-in-the-tooth second place finish in the '06 blog awards.
Well, transmundanity is forever.
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