Saturday, September 02, 2006

Week 16: Pageant of the Transmundane

If you are reading this, you survived the Emmys and the MTV Video Music Awards, or you are a zombie... either way thanks for attending this week's award, because this time it is shocking.

This week's winner is not safe for the workplace... or good mental health for that matter, but since it is Labor Day Weekend, well, it seems oddly fitting to go in that direction. OK, there may be a few fields where it is entirely appropriate as you will see, just to hedge my bets.

The winning entry comes from Jeni over at the House Cat, and boy, is it a doozy. Now, I could build this up even more, but I think the direct approach would be better. It is a weird sex-ed book for kids made for what appears to be the German market, and at first it seems a little funky and cute, and then POP!, you see something that I imagine could freak out a few kids and quite a few adults.

In honor of the subject matter, I thought, why not go back to the beginning with the birth of Homer. It is amazing how specific Homer pictures are, isn't it?

Baby Homer being born

So congratulations Jeni, and in addition to the above award, here is a badge to apply to your blog so others may see your triumph as well.

Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award: Week 16

The code to embed it on your page:

href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" /></a>

Previous winners may request a graphic as well.

The rules of this little contest:
Every week I will be selecting one blog post that I have seen from the vast reaches of the blogosphere to bestow with the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Award for being one of the freakiest(in a funny way) things I've seen or read during a 7 day period. It doesn't necessarily have to have been written during the week, I just had to have encountered it. That means that if you find something interesting and repost it like a movie or whatever, if I saw it at your blog first, you get the prize. Of course, creating your own content is also a very good way to win.

Now, if you see a post that you think is worthy of this illustrious prize, just drop me a line at and we'll see if we can't get your suggestion up and award-ready while giving you some credit and a link to your own blog.

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